The North of England at MIPIM 2025

Place North will be hosting the first MIPIM stand for Northern England, as part of the UK Hub in Cannes on 10-14 March

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It’s time to put the North of England on the global stage, and you can be part of it

We have been official Media Partners of MIPIM organiser RX for 10 years.

This year, we are going one step further – highlighting the North in a way that hasn’t been done before.

Join us as we curate the North of England’s presence at MIPIM 2025, connecting the largest investors, developers, and local government executives to accelerate inclusive and transformational growth.

How can you get involved?

Place North is offering a variety of Northern delegation packages dependant on your needs, with speaking, branding, and exhibition options available.

  • Become a MIPIM Place North Partner
  • Support a town or city with a joint stand within the Place North at MIPIM exhibition space
  • Sponsor our popular reception or conference
  • Get profile for your team on camera

Reach out to us and we can arrange the perfect package for you.

Our MIPIM 2025 partners and clients so far

Place North MIPIM Partner Packages

All Place North MIPIM Partners receive the below benefits.

  • Announcement of your partnership across Place North social media channels
  • Your brand on our dedicated MIPIM hub pages
  • Invitation to our pre-MIPIM meet-up in Manchester
  • Invitation to our How To Do MIPIM Well event
  • Logo inclusion in editorial updates on Place North at MIPIM
  • Social media post about your team or organisation during MIPIM week
  • Mention in Place North post-MIPIM round-up sent to 14,000+ combined subscribers
  • Month of website banner advertising on Place North West, Place Yorkshire, or Place North East
  • A graphic to promote yourselves as a Place North at MIPIM partner
  • Two tickets to Place North’s exclusive MIPIM Arrivals Reception on Monday 10 March
  • Two tickets to Place North’s invitation-only Breakfast Conference on Wednesday 12 March
  • An exclusive post-MIPIM intelligence report – a round-up of the news and content published throughout the week

Investment level: £2,150

How to upgrade

Partner Extra - £4,250

  • One ticket to MIPIM
  • Access to official MIPIM UK Stage events, breakfast, and evening networking sessions
  • Delegation logo on Place North stand in UK Pavilion
  • Delegation logo on Place North MIPIM 2025 wrap video

Partner Plus - £9,950

  • Two tickets to MIPIM
  • Article about joining us as a MIPIM partner across all Place websites
  • Access to the official MIPIM UK Stage events, breakfast, and evening networking sessions
  • Delegation logo on Place North stand in the UK Pavilion
  • Delegation logo on Place North MIPIM 2025 wrap video
  • Filmed interview (pre-MIPIM, published during MIPIM Week)
  • Written comment piece published on Place North (title of choice)

Partner Pro - £18,000 (Limited to Four Slots Only)

  • Three tickets to MIPIM
  • Article about joining us as a MIPIM partner across all Place websites
  • Access to the official MIPIM UK Stage events, breakfast, and evening networking sessions
  • Filmed interview or Fireside Chat (filmed at MIPIM or beforehand)
  • Delegation logo on Place North stand in the UK Pavilion
  • Delegation logo on Place North MIPIM 2025 wrap video
  • A pod stand on the Place North stand with meeting table and screen
  • Opportunity to participate in a Place North curated and promoted panel session on the UK Stage. Includes editorial write-up, photography, and vox pops

Partner Prestige - £25,000 - Ideal for Private Sector / JV Partners to Support Local Authorities (Limited to Three Slots Only)

  • Four tickets to MIPIM
  • Article about joining us as a MIPIM partner across all Place websites
  • Access to the official MIPIM UK Stage events, breakfast, and evening networking sessions
  • Delegation logo on Place North stand in the UK Pavilion
  • Delegation logo on Place North MIPIM 2025 wrap video
  • Filmed interview or Fireside Chat (filmed at MIPIM or beforehand)
  • In-focus interview published across Place North of key stakeholders or directors on their priorities, ideas, or opportunities
  • Sponsorship of a Place North MIPIM event – Arrivals Reception (Monday PM) or MIPIM Breakfast Conference (Wednesday AM)
  • A dedicated stand in the UK Pavilion at MIPIM with branding, meeting table, and screen
  • Opportunity to participate in a Place North curated and promoted panel session on the UK Stage. Includes editorial write-up, photography, and vox pops

Where will you be seen?

Discuss your MIPIM plans with us

Dino Moutsopoulos – Managing Partner, Head of Commercial

07803 988112

Our MIPIM events

Place North at MIPIM Launch Event

On 10 September, property professionals from across the North gathered at Eden, Salford to hear about Place North’s plans for MIPIM 2025.

View the gallery and article

How To Do MIPIM Well 16 January

Join us for a free session in Manchester for those attending MIPIM for the first time.Place MIPIM

Place Client Pre-MIPIM Gathering – February

We’re bringing together our MIPIM partners, clients and sponsors for drinks to discuss plans a month ahead of the show.

Place North MIPIM Arrival Reception – 10 March

Set yourself up for a great week in Cannes at our relaxed networking drinks on the Monday night of MIPIM.

Place North MIPIM Breakfast Conference – 12 March

Place is bringing together leaders from across the North to discuss investment in the region.

What our clients have to say

Looking back at MIPIM 2024

Check our MIPIM 2024 hub to see our news, videos, and events, or download our MIPIM content summary.

We were proud to work with all these organisations in March 2024 in Cannes.